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I just want to be where you are. Your Presence is heaven to me. I live to feel your Presence.
All of these statements echo one of the greatest themes of scripture; that the Presence of the Living God is the asset of greatest value in the universe…an incomparable treasure for those who find it.
There appears to be theology that suggests an experience of the Presence of God in itself is a cure-all for every defect of character or negative situation.
It is my conviction that an experience of God in itself is potentially a catalyst for nothing….or for transformation into the image of God….depending on what comes next.
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Throughout scripture we see many instances where an experience of God was followed by poor decisions and rebellion.
In Exodus 20, the Israelites arrived at Mount Sinai and saw the Presence of God descend on the mountain. But within 40 days, they had turned to idolatry.
In the eleventh year of Solomon’s reign, the building of the temple was complete….and, “??? ????? ?? ??? ???? ?????? ??? ??????” (1 ????? 8 ? 11).
Yet by the end of his reign, Solomon had turned to idolatry and Israel with him.
Jesus was the Presence of God in bodily form. His Presence was at times accepted by crowds.
Luke tells us of one time when Jesus was surrounded by a crowd pressing in….and he asked who had touched him.
Peter replied, “??????, ??? ?????? ??? ???????? ??? ???????? ??????? ???” (???? 8 ? 45)….yet only one woman received a miraculous change.
Jesus’ response tells us what had brought about the change, “?? ???? ?? ???, ????????, ???? ????? ??? ?????? ???. ?? ?? ?????.” (???? 8 ? 48)
My first observation is that our faith is the key to receiving change in the Presence of God. Without faith, an experience of God will change nothing.
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I love the testimony of Asaph in Psalm 73. He was perplexed as he looked at the world around him and started to consider conclusions which he knew were false:
“???? ? ????? ?? ?????????? ??? ????, ?? ???????? ?? ?????? ???? ? ??????? ??? ????????? ?? ???; ???? ? ??????????…” (????? 73 ? 16 – 17)
So it was in the Presence of God that Asaph received revelation that calmed his soul.
It was such revelation that I guess David described as “eternal pleasures” when he said, “??? ???? ????? ?? ?? ??? ???? ?? ????; ??? ???? ???? ?? ???? ??? ?? ???? ????????, ???? ??????? ????????? ?? ???? ????? ????.” (????? 16 ? 11)
And this is why a hunger and thirst for His Presence is such an essential attribute for a man or woman in Christ; His Presence is the place of revelation.
The apostle Paul prayed for the Ephesians that, God would give them, “??? ?????? ?? ?????? ??? ??????????, ?? ???? (????) ??? ???? ??? ??????” (??? 1 ? 17) ??? ????, “??? ???? ?? (?????) ?????? ??? ?? ??????????? ?? ????? ???? (????) ??? ???? ??? ???? ?? ????? ?? ??? ?????? (????)” (??? 1 ? 18).
He prayed for the Philippians that, “???? (?????) ???? ??? ?????? ???? ??? ???? ?? ????????? ??? ????? ?? ???????” (???? 1 ? 9).
And for the Colossians he prayed, “?? ??????????? ??? ??? ?? ???? ??? ???? ??? ????????? ?? ??? ???? ??????? ??? ????????? ?????? ??? ?????????????”. (??? 1 ? 9)
So is revelation the answer to every problem we face? Again, I suggest it depends on what comes next.
In 2 Cor 12 v 2 – 4 Paul describes a notable experience of God he had 14 years prior. It was a great revelation.
Yet he does not suggest this experience was a source of character or that it solved all his problems. On the contrary, he says, “?? ???? ?? ???? ???????? ????????? ??????? ?? ????? ???????????? ????? ???????????, ????? ??? ????? ?? ? ????? ?? ??? ?????”. (2 ??? 12 ? 7)
So receiving revelation in itself is not our cure-all. I suggest that responding to it with faith can be.
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The prophet Ezekiel saw a vision that painted a picture of restoration for God’s people.
At the heart of this picture was a temple…a dwelling place of the Presence of God on earth.
And at the heart of the temple was a throne and from under the throne, a river of living water flowed. (Ez 47)
The throne is a symbol of God’s rule and living water a symbol of His Spirit that brings change.
This is the same living water that Jesus said would flow out of his disciples (John 7 v 38, John 4v 14).
And so I believe it is for us…..if we align our hearts and minds with the revelation that God gives in His Presence…his throne is established in us….and his rivers of living water can flow out.
And as Ezekiel saw, “????? ??? ?????? ????? ?????, ?????????? ???? ????”. (?? 47 ? 9)
Returning to our original question….is an experience of the Presence of God alone the answer to our every problem?
Well, it is a good place to start….as it is the place we can receive revelation….and if we then align our hearts and minds with this revelation, His living water in us can flow and His change will indeed come.